住んでみたい空想の家を30点以上収録! 今までにない美術設定集!!
物語に出てくるようなユニークな家とその設定を描き、人気を博した吉田誠治の同人誌『ものがたりの家』の決定版が登場!! 既刊『ものがたりの家 I・II』に掲載された全作品に加え、新作15作品、コマ割り絵本、線画、作品解説、メイキングなど、本書初公開となる内容も収録しています。ページをめくる度に新しい物語が始まるような、見て、読んで楽しい美術設定集です。
Imaginary houses you've always dreamed of living in...
Renowned background illustrator, YOSHIDA Seiji, the illustrator for the cover artwork for "Everyday Scenes from a Parallel World", presents over 30 houses from a fantasy dream-world to live in through the imagination. A diagram and detailed explanation of each exterior/interior will allow readers to develop their own fantasy story with each turn of the page. This is a whole new type of book concept, one that will also be a useful reference book for professional anime/manga artists looking for inspiration.
About the Author
YOSHIDA Seiji is a professional freelance illustrator in the field of background illustration and has been commissioned numerous artworks in games, books including our cover artwork for Everyday Scenes from a Parallel World.