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At the center of The Healer's Way is the "hoop"—a seven-step process of healing. First we need to make sure our core needs are met; without those we can't heal ourselves or others. Then we need to get lost, get hurt, get stuck and hit the bottom of the circle. Only then can we get called, get up, and get going.
Once we get going, we move through the cycle again and again, as life presents us with new opportunities for healing ourselves and others. The Healer's Way is the culmination of Earnie Larsen's thirty-plus years as a counselor. Inspired by his relationship with a young mentor, the book tackles the hard questions—How do you keep going? What do you do when you can't make a difference? What makes a healer?—and asserts that in the beginning and in the end, healing is about change: the spiritual alchemy involved in the amazing-grace process of personal transformation.
"Is there a secret to healing others and ourselves? Larsen, originator of the process known as Stage II recovery from addictive behaviors, replies that although there is no shortcut to recovery, at the root of all human well-being is the question of love or love denied...Larsen has a solid understanding of human emotions gained through years of counseling experience."—Publishers Weekly