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In the bestselling tradition of nostalgic looks at classic rites of passage, such as Camp Camp and Bar Mitzvah Disco, P.S. I Hate It Here: Kids' Letters from Camp captures a childhood experience shared by millions. This collection of real letters written by children ages eight to sixteen to their parents about their adventures at summer camp are laugh-out-loud funny and will have readers reminiscing about their own camp days.
More than 150 letters cover all the imaginable scenarios of sleep away camp, from acing the cabin lice inspection, to rowing in the "ricotta" race, to breaking the bad news about a retainer lost in the wilderness. These letters reveal that kids are wittier and more sophisticated than we might assume, and that the experience of being away from home for the first time creates hilarious and lasting memories.
"Trust me when I tell you that not only will your kids get a kick out of the amazingly funny letters contained in this book, you and your friends will too." —Chicago Parent Magazine
"P.S. I Hate It Here"compiles notes home from camp with love—a handsome, actually quite beautiful, little book." —Chicago Tribune
"Whether your kid is in camp or you cherish your own memories of s'mores and Color Wars, you'll get a kick out of P.S. I Hate It Here!, a book of real-life, laugh-out-loud letters from camp." —Redbook Magazine